Earth Observation Data Cubes of the
University of Würzburg

What is eo2cube?
Digital tools for environmental monitoring require a high degree of flexibility, a wide application range and user-friendliness. The next generation of data analysis and visualization, as well as the management and infastructure of large volumes of EO Data, are cloud-based Data Cubes.
The eo2cube project aims to create an innovative data analysis infrastructure, supporting agencies and scientific institutions by reducing the complexity and effort that comes with processing Big Data.
Our Data Cubes are powered by the Open Data Cube architecture.
Our Affiliations
Remote Sensing Department
University of Würzburg in collaboration with the Earth Observation Center at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-EOC).
Remote Sensing Department
at the University of Würzburg,
Institute of Geography and Geology
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 86
97074 Würzburg